Friday, April 16, 2010

Before and After Makeup...

I've recently watched a video on facebook and it's a TV Show from Taiwan. It really shows how powerful makeup can be and how it can change a lady's life tremendously. For me, I don't really mind as long as it makes you pretty. But somehow, some people dislike the fact that makeup does make you prettier despite the damage it does to your skin. Here's the video I was talking about.

Can you see the difference?! 0.o It's like a different person when they compare from the left to the right. And yeah, Taiwanese ladies' makeup skills are as good as Japanese ladies. How I wish I had such skills. Ooopss! =x Haha, for business maybe? Cause I can't imagine using so much time on makeup every single day, cleansing them and sleep with a different face every night. Kinda extreme but I do admire the skills they possess. Salute!